Well here it is folks. I am proud to announce the first and OFFICIAL:
TARGET Tuesday!!

(clapping , clapping, whistling, shouts of joy, YAY!!!) If this is your first time here I encourage you to read through my blog to get up to speed. You miss school, you miss out, and so be the case here today! I want to thank everyone for stopping by and leaving their words of wisdom, encouragement and if you feel the need to throw an occasional tomato at me, just make sure you miss the teeth. Two things mom wanted for me. College and good teeth. (thanks MOM!)

Ok so lets get down to business. Thats why we are here right? Have to have some reason for rolling out of bed. I have put some serious thought into why I should have my own line at TARGET.( Im sure Miley keeps herself up at night with thoughts like these) But I cannot divulge all the juicy details. I will reiterate the facts attentively and methodically. MEANING you must tune in each week to acquire the all important, profound and significant arguments. People, we are dealing with VERY important issues here!!

Today we will start with the kind of designer I am, and what type of accessory I generally crave. I thirst for clean and simple design. I don't like a lot of clutter and when I accessorize I use a FEW choice accessories to give personality and pop to the room. I like items that provide comfort AND indulgence. The principals I follow when choosing the objects I love: they must be tailored with ease, deliver gracefulness, be generous in functionality and last but not least, AFFORDABLE!

My first order of business in designing my accessory line. BASKETS. I love baskets. They add texture, depth, and most importantly they manage clutter. They are elegant but unpretentious. True classics to any home decor methodology. They have a common vernacular to any design approach, whether it be traditional or contemporary.

So you say, why the hell would I buy my basket from you? ( I don't know, maybe because they are awesome and designed by me? DUH!) LOL! That's not good enough reason? Well how about this. My baskets will offer different shapes and sizes. They will be unique and creative. They will work as decorative art or simply function as storage. I will weave lighter and darker colors throughout to create depth that will offer more versatility in it's use. Like all my accessories I choose they will offer a fashionable approach with the added benefit of another function or use. And the best part? They will be original, fresh, and affordable. Thanks for visiting us on TARGET Tuesday!!

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