Nashville interior designer, discusses Abandoned architecture

A few months ago I was parading around on the internet (like a pro) researching for ideas for a new contract job for a local Dr's office. I never know how, or why, ( A.D.D.) but somehow I end up off track and two hours into another subject that has nothing to do with my original goal. But I find it fascinating and hard to turn away from. As I perused the web for architectural ideas I came across the subject of abandoned architecture all around the United States. Since this discovery, I have been obsessed with books, blogs, and pictures detailing the subject. Amazingly enough, several of these old buildings are in tack, but in major decay and disrepair.

Lavished with detail, incredible ideas and even some things shocking, the ingenuity and respect these architects put into their buildings, is admirable. What is so disappointing is that these beautiful dilapidated masterpieces, sit, crumbling further into nothing, worn and matured beyond their years. I have found many books and blogs dedicated to these tattered champions. Here are a few of my favorites:

Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, GA

Connector hallway between ward pavilions, Buffolo State Hospital

French Second Empire Surgeons residence 1864

1864 Surgeons residence, 2nd floor

Very little is known or available on this hospitals building, within the Fort Totten landmark district in near Bayside Queens, built in 1864.
A large room on the second floor contained what was by far the most bizarre artifact found within the hospital – a child’s riding grasshopper

Grand stairwell at daybreak, Brooklyn Navy Yard Hospital,

Samuel R. Smith Infirmary building The first floor lobby

Photos compliments of the fabulous blog, The Kingston Lounge

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