Tote obsession...


This is a problem.. I am completely obsessed with totes and bags..  I was flipping through the new issue of Souvenir magazine and was clicking through on products that I liked, once I finished the magazine I realized that I had linked up to multiple websites, but each link was for a different bag.  So I guess I am obsessed just a little!!  I have bags everywhere in the house, I have woven bags holding my bath towels, picnic supplies, fabric samples- you name it!   I like woven, vintage, linen, pretty much anything that would carry goodies home from any kind of store or hold things at home, but I truly love to use them at the flea market and farmer's market- it feels great to come home without a single plastic bag wrapped around my goodies.

Do you love them like I do- have I lost my mind (don't answer that one)!?

click the images for links to these must have bags


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