Beautiful home of danish fashion designer

This is the fabulous home of Danish fashion designer and co-founder of clothing company Munthe plus Simonsen, Naja Munthe. Naja commissioned Martin Koldby to take the pictures for her book 'Fashionable Living' and spring summer 2012 catalogue. I'm not sure what to say except I love every last detail, from the colour scheme, to the patterns and the personal collections to the architecture, kakelugn fireplace and Tom Dixon beat lights, this home is a dream. 

Photographer: Morten Koldby with kind permission spotted at 79 ideas.

What do you think?

Before I leave you to enjoy your weekend I've got a little exciting news.

I'm really excited to introduce my new sponsor: 'Buy Some Damn Art' (fab name!). If you see the website I think you'll want to (I have my eye on Beachcombing 61 by Jennifer Steen Booher). Owner, Kate, also author of  blog Art Hound, works closely with some of the best up-and-coming artists to bring you new, original artwork every week so keep an eye on the site!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Any great plans? Here we're knee deep in snow and it's freeezing BRRRRRRRR so I will be hibernating like a bear :)

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