Guest post: 2013 interior trends

Hi I'm Mette from Make Living blog...New year and new energy. Do you feel the same? As always this time of year I like to look at what interior designers think will be the trend for the year. Even if I don´t follow it all the way, but a lot of inspiration for a new fresh year. Therefore I “took a walk” in the cyberspace and found some interior designers that has shared what they think will be the hot stuff year 2013.

One of the sources for interior trends is Swedish Formex and the Milan furniture fair. Camilla Julner at “Vi i Villa” has met with some experts and have summarized some trends below.

  • Use the colour grey as a base colour and complement with “dirty” or washed out pastels
  • Lamps with an industrial feeling is still a trend
  • Change silver to brass, copper and bronze
  • Dare to mix brave patterns or don´t use patterns to get an elegant look.
  • Use textiles such as curtains to get a soft feeling in your home
  • Dare to use black with black

Washed out pastels

Copper lamp

Grey colour as a base

Black with black
Pictures from 1: Via Items by Designbird, 2&3: vtwonen, 4:Tumblr

Louise Karlsten from Colour House, a company that works a lot with trends also emphasize that our homes will more and more be influenced by the trips we have made to other countries. To reuse and combine old with new interior is still a trend as well as washed out colours.

Lotta Ahlvar, VD at Svenska ModerĂ¥det summarize the coming years with that more and more people question the behaviour buying and then throwing away their belongings. The simplicity and the nature influences us a lot, and that we will see with more natural colours together with white and material such as concrete. Transparent glass, rough wood together with colours such as white, grey and beige is also a trend for 2013. Lotta also mention that brass is very popular in general in interior design and industrial lamps.

So much inspiration for 2013!  What plans do you have for 2013 and have you seen any special trends so far that you will bring in to your home? I just feel like start changing already. How about you? At home we have starting to plan for our new guest room. That and other journeys I will share with you at Make-Living and as always...some DIY. Some DIY projects that I made during 2012 you can find at the blog such as the outdoor sofa, the cloth stand and the magazine shelf.

Have a lovely day all!

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