How to achieve a well appointed home

Ever wonder what makes a home special? Probably not. But have you ever been in a home that felt special? When a home has the {it} factor, it's typically in the details. A well appointed home takes you that much further. It entices the senses, encourages curiosity, and enlightens our spirits. It just feels good, and you may not know why. 
In my opinion there are 5 distinct things you can add to your own home to make it feel right, and ooze the {it} factor for a well appointed home: 

Collections. Having a collection gives the homeowner personal gratification, but also gives guests a window into your interest's and makes things personal. For example, when you go into a person's home and you see their beautiful art collection, you are drawn to them, and learn something new about them that you may not have known.

A well appointed home focuses on details. So when you are decorating your home always pay attention to the details. For example, details are what take this ordinary martini table from Evan L into something extraordinary.

Eric Henderson

Balance and Scale. When a home has balance it feels right. It is comfortable, and easy on the eyes to read. Symmetry in my opinion is the only way to approach design. {Remember students, my opinion is the only one that counts...} It has a harmony to it that just feels right, and helps tune out the chaos in everyday life.

A well appointed home takes every surface into consideration. The floor, the ceiling, the walls, and everything in between. This goes back to balance and harmony, but essentially all your senses should be enticed. A home should encourage excitement, and drama, comfort, and curiosity. 

And finally a well appointed home never overlooks the simple luxuries that make a home glamourous for your lifestyle. Having the things you love surround you, allows the home to live and breathe you. These simple things make life enjoyable and allow you to live with purpose and conviction, and this brings everything together. The details, collections, balance and surfaces come alive, when they are simple luxuries that speak to you, and the way you live.

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